Man this guy is fantastic. Best guest they've had so far. Too bad your too lost in your own negativity to understand positive arguments. Too bad, I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually. Just. Takes some people longer than others 😃
Man this guy is fantastic. Best guest they've had so far. Too bad your too lost in your own negativity to understand positive arguments. Too bad, I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually. Just. Takes some people longer than others 😃
i feel like half the comments in here are newly subscribed vaush fan boys, this one included
I found the conversation to be entertaining but let's face it Vaush who puts owning people and being the first to come up with an idea above doing the right thing. A grifter for sure but whatever keeps the yung'uns entertained as they grow up... glad the left has its own pro "debate bros" with fragile egos!
Man this guy is fantastic. Best guest they've had so far. Too bad your too lost in your own negativity to understand positive arguments. Too bad, I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually. Just. Takes some people longer than others 😃
i feel like half the comments in here are newly subscribed vaush fan boys, this one included
I found the conversation to be entertaining but let's face it Vaush who puts owning people and being the first to come up with an idea above doing the right thing. A grifter for sure but whatever keeps the yung'uns entertained as they grow up... glad the left has its own pro "debate bros" with fragile egos!