Noam's a good time where we all agree for a very long and drawnout way that doesn't necessarily bring something new to the table. Richard Wolff's brilliant, if, opinionated yet only powerful if the debate is very heavily economics based, and, that's only part of it in the modern culture war. Cornel West's a powerhouse, not above the fra…
Noam's a good time where we all agree for a very long and drawnout way that doesn't necessarily bring something new to the table. Richard Wolff's brilliant, if, opinionated yet only powerful if the debate is very heavily economics based, and, that's only part of it in the modern culture war. Cornel West's a powerhouse, not above the fray so much as enlightened to the important things, yet, again, well known older commentator who's known less for sticking it to the new aged cultural issues than for brining home the message for the longstanding, cross-spectrum American. Greenwald, quite compelling based legal know-how, broke stories, etc, ect.
Vaush is a contemporary social studies autist who's spent more hours than the rest of the cast combined dealing particularly in the heavily modern streamed debate format. He's forged something that could be considered a reality talk show who's entire contingent is on discourse of ideas, often times with people well beyond the pale. It's allot of contrast and it's a modern group phenomenon that's very worth attending to. Guy's been at it, what, 3 years? Give him 20 to 30 more and there's qute the likelihood that he has more comparable clout to your tastes.
Personally I'd like Cody of Some More News, but, then again, like many people who'd have tuned in while we got to this episode, I like fresh faces, dramatists, artists, and performers who are still building their recognition, who's clout comes from their attempted application in the face of powerlessness, not just established, longstanding positions where they've formerly affected things somewhat.
Noam's a good time where we all agree for a very long and drawnout way that doesn't necessarily bring something new to the table. Richard Wolff's brilliant, if, opinionated yet only powerful if the debate is very heavily economics based, and, that's only part of it in the modern culture war. Cornel West's a powerhouse, not above the fray so much as enlightened to the important things, yet, again, well known older commentator who's known less for sticking it to the new aged cultural issues than for brining home the message for the longstanding, cross-spectrum American. Greenwald, quite compelling based legal know-how, broke stories, etc, ect.
Vaush is a contemporary social studies autist who's spent more hours than the rest of the cast combined dealing particularly in the heavily modern streamed debate format. He's forged something that could be considered a reality talk show who's entire contingent is on discourse of ideas, often times with people well beyond the pale. It's allot of contrast and it's a modern group phenomenon that's very worth attending to. Guy's been at it, what, 3 years? Give him 20 to 30 more and there's qute the likelihood that he has more comparable clout to your tastes.
Personally I'd like Cody of Some More News, but, then again, like many people who'd have tuned in while we got to this episode, I like fresh faces, dramatists, artists, and performers who are still building their recognition, who's clout comes from their attempted application in the face of powerlessness, not just established, longstanding positions where they've formerly affected things somewhat.