i've worked with political campaigns. you know, off of twitter. political campaigns that actually push for policies locally and otherwise that actionably help people. you know, very unlike sitting on twitter all day while suggesting poor people give money to some money-laundering charity so i can virtue-signal how great i am. but y'all keep going. i won't bother responding. ✌️
Right, so you've done nothing and are just claiming clout on the internet? Gotcha. Dont worry, you dont have to reply to this. Anyone who wants to downplay a quarter of a million dollars to charity has nothing valuable to say anyway. Keep pretending you'd ever do anything yourself. Nobody belives you but hey at least you can pretend hard enough to sleep better
said i wouldn't respond, but you make it so easy, so let's do one more breaking down your response:
you said: "Right, so you've done nothing and are just claiming clout on the internet?"
my response: well, thanks for not reading my response and replacing it with your own words.
you then said: "Anyone who wants to downplay a quarter of a million dollars to charity has nothing valuable to say anyway. "
my response: you know, bill gates has a great charity too! you should dump some money at it as i'm sure, just like every other charity, the money 100% goes to whatever bill says it does and totally doesn't just sit there to enrich the charity owners. i mean, that palestine charity has done so well, just look at how great palestine is doing now because of that charity, i bet! charities ALWAYS work which is why everything every charity has ever purported to fix is now fixed, and the charities raising money don't have to raise money anymore! it's great! who needs political policy when you can dump money at rich people's charities instead?!?
"Nobody belives you"
my response: it's nice to know that you're enough of an egoist to automatically assume you speak for "everyone" when you state your own solitary opinion. everything i'd expect from a vaush fan. well, have a good one!
See you already lied about not responding? How can anyone take anything else you say with anything more than a grain of salt? You can't even stop yourself from contradicting yourself within 20 minutes ffs.
Also your shit argument against charity doesnt work. Vaush picked one of the best rated charities in the world. It has a higher transparency raiting than doctors without borders ffs.
But how sad your life must be that you have to try to downplay other people's good actions just to make yourself feel better
"i've worked with political campaigns. you know, off of twitter. political campaigns that actually push for policies locally and otherwise that actionably help people."
So has Vaush, most of which took place before he became a streamer. What's your response to that going to be, I wonder. Does that not count for some reason? Do you want receipts or something? Do you need to compare praxis dick length before you can acknowledge that Vaush has done any public work you deem legitimate?
"some money-laundering charity"
Okay so you basically know absolutely nothing about the PCRF, is what you're telegraphing to us with this comment. Please, by all means, pull it up and tell us what's so terrible about it. I want to give you the opportunity to spastically criticize a charity for whatever seemingly suspicious example you happen to trip over, or whatever broader vague criticism you ad-hoc out of your ass without thinking, so we can publicly demonstrate how and why you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
Or you could revise your stance. I think it's been pretty soundly demonstrated that your criticisms don't actually have any merit.
Supaluminus with the difficult to refute sensible comments here, actually sharing clout instead of just tryin'a brush off that of someone we can expect would be coming with a history and resume if we're in good faith.
Do like it, but, unfortunately I fear it's allot easier to be mad back when set up for it, and so there's allot more comments that boil down to "no screw u old maaan" Which, you know, fits the frame of overly aggressive 12 year olds too neatly to undo this kerfuffle.
I would say a majority of old white dudes are to blame for lotta things. But you seem very quick to throw them all under the bus, granted I can understand the warranty from your perspective, but cmon, lotta of us are here cause of sanders. A boomer, so ease up there
"hey krystal and kyle! love your show, so i just decided to show up to tell some guy who's the same age as you two are that he's "extremely old" and should kill himself. i Am A vErY iNtElLiGeNt VaUsH fAn!!1"
Youre a fucking loser dude. Its lame as fuck to gatekeep even half as hard as you. Vaush has done more to strengthen leftism than you ever will. Fucking dork
Hey, to be a milder voice in the crowd from a 30 year old who can stand Vaush even if he's indeed a bit entitled and self-righteous for my liking, (though granted I'd be hard pressed to be an aggressive firebrand in debates as extreme as some of those he's in,) you have been taking the piss from allot of people to not at least watch the people we all like in common K&K's video with him here.
You can't go around telling people they're trash and expect them to compassionately respect you for who you are, and not just lash back out for the disrespect you've given them on the internet. It's not the old or the young but the intolerant lefties that don't let us come together easy. That, at least is because we believe things, as opposed to believing in the god given authority of 'tradition' and the power mongers who've been venerated in it.
Also, can the rest of you Vaush stans learn to take a slap to the face without getting mad? Like, I get it, I get mad too, but, sometimes, can't you let your deadened expectations lead the way into saying "oh well, I'm not happy you took it that far but good luck with the good intentions dude" to someone who's calling you an idiot 12 year old? Imao, Lars and the commenters he's enraged here are all far too young and hotheaded compared to old man millennial Shaka here.
I've seen that more from the type of crowd that doesnt want to win over moderate dems so much as win more independents to make a third party.
My only issue with Vaush is even when Krystal is taking the most reasonable stances, the fact that she even tried what she did with saagar was a slight to him. This whole non controversy was dumb.
you let me know when that (or any) charity actually helps anyone. i'll wait.
Let me know when you do anything even half as good for anyone
i've worked with political campaigns. you know, off of twitter. political campaigns that actually push for policies locally and otherwise that actionably help people. you know, very unlike sitting on twitter all day while suggesting poor people give money to some money-laundering charity so i can virtue-signal how great i am. but y'all keep going. i won't bother responding. ✌️
Right, so you've done nothing and are just claiming clout on the internet? Gotcha. Dont worry, you dont have to reply to this. Anyone who wants to downplay a quarter of a million dollars to charity has nothing valuable to say anyway. Keep pretending you'd ever do anything yourself. Nobody belives you but hey at least you can pretend hard enough to sleep better
said i wouldn't respond, but you make it so easy, so let's do one more breaking down your response:
you said: "Right, so you've done nothing and are just claiming clout on the internet?"
my response: well, thanks for not reading my response and replacing it with your own words.
you then said: "Anyone who wants to downplay a quarter of a million dollars to charity has nothing valuable to say anyway. "
my response: you know, bill gates has a great charity too! you should dump some money at it as i'm sure, just like every other charity, the money 100% goes to whatever bill says it does and totally doesn't just sit there to enrich the charity owners. i mean, that palestine charity has done so well, just look at how great palestine is doing now because of that charity, i bet! charities ALWAYS work which is why everything every charity has ever purported to fix is now fixed, and the charities raising money don't have to raise money anymore! it's great! who needs political policy when you can dump money at rich people's charities instead?!?
"Nobody belives you"
my response: it's nice to know that you're enough of an egoist to automatically assume you speak for "everyone" when you state your own solitary opinion. everything i'd expect from a vaush fan. well, have a good one!
See you already lied about not responding? How can anyone take anything else you say with anything more than a grain of salt? You can't even stop yourself from contradicting yourself within 20 minutes ffs.
Also your shit argument against charity doesnt work. Vaush picked one of the best rated charities in the world. It has a higher transparency raiting than doctors without borders ffs.
But how sad your life must be that you have to try to downplay other people's good actions just to make yourself feel better
Dude like 80% of people there need charity to fucking eat. kinda fucked up
"i've worked with political campaigns. you know, off of twitter. political campaigns that actually push for policies locally and otherwise that actionably help people."
So has Vaush, most of which took place before he became a streamer. What's your response to that going to be, I wonder. Does that not count for some reason? Do you want receipts or something? Do you need to compare praxis dick length before you can acknowledge that Vaush has done any public work you deem legitimate?
"some money-laundering charity"
Okay so you basically know absolutely nothing about the PCRF, is what you're telegraphing to us with this comment. Please, by all means, pull it up and tell us what's so terrible about it. I want to give you the opportunity to spastically criticize a charity for whatever seemingly suspicious example you happen to trip over, or whatever broader vague criticism you ad-hoc out of your ass without thinking, so we can publicly demonstrate how and why you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
Or you could revise your stance. I think it's been pretty soundly demonstrated that your criticisms don't actually have any merit.
Supaluminus with the difficult to refute sensible comments here, actually sharing clout instead of just tryin'a brush off that of someone we can expect would be coming with a history and resume if we're in good faith.
Do like it, but, unfortunately I fear it's allot easier to be mad back when set up for it, and so there's allot more comments that boil down to "no screw u old maaan" Which, you know, fits the frame of overly aggressive 12 year olds too neatly to undo this kerfuffle.
Holy shit guys I think we found mike from pa's alt
you people just really let the whole world know who you are don’t ya? keep going. have another shovel. ✌️
You sir are an oh so noble knight for the left. Who knows where they would be without fearless and tireless service.
Old ass boomers who never have and never do anything good for our movement, Outdated human trash
I would say a majority of old white dudes are to blame for lotta things. But you seem very quick to throw them all under the bus, granted I can understand the warranty from your perspective, but cmon, lotta of us are here cause of sanders. A boomer, so ease up there
"hey krystal and kyle! love your show, so i just decided to show up to tell some guy who's the same age as you two are that he's "extremely old" and should kill himself. i Am A vErY iNtElLiGeNt VaUsH fAn!!1"
Youre a fucking loser dude. Its lame as fuck to gatekeep even half as hard as you. Vaush has done more to strengthen leftism than you ever will. Fucking dork
Hey, to be a milder voice in the crowd from a 30 year old who can stand Vaush even if he's indeed a bit entitled and self-righteous for my liking, (though granted I'd be hard pressed to be an aggressive firebrand in debates as extreme as some of those he's in,) you have been taking the piss from allot of people to not at least watch the people we all like in common K&K's video with him here.
You can't go around telling people they're trash and expect them to compassionately respect you for who you are, and not just lash back out for the disrespect you've given them on the internet. It's not the old or the young but the intolerant lefties that don't let us come together easy. That, at least is because we believe things, as opposed to believing in the god given authority of 'tradition' and the power mongers who've been venerated in it.
Also, can the rest of you Vaush stans learn to take a slap to the face without getting mad? Like, I get it, I get mad too, but, sometimes, can't you let your deadened expectations lead the way into saying "oh well, I'm not happy you took it that far but good luck with the good intentions dude" to someone who's calling you an idiot 12 year old? Imao, Lars and the commenters he's enraged here are all far too young and hotheaded compared to old man millennial Shaka here.
I've seen that more from the type of crowd that doesnt want to win over moderate dems so much as win more independents to make a third party.
My only issue with Vaush is even when Krystal is taking the most reasonable stances, the fact that she even tried what she did with saagar was a slight to him. This whole non controversy was dumb.
Pretty sure a fat 300k dollars American goes a long way towards helping kids in Palestine but okay, just dismiss that and keep "waiting" I guess.