So far they had: Noam Chomsky, Richard Wolff, Cornel West, Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi,etc.
But you guys subscribed for Vaush?
Whom you watch two hours a day on average?
Without getting into 'cult of personality' topic again:
If you truly believe in market socialism, wouldn't you have subscribe when Richard Wolff was a guest? Or Chomsky?
That’s quite confused. The fact that Vaush is not an academic or an established intellectual, like Chomsky, Wolff, and Cornel West, does not in any way address the fact that the hatred against Vaush is deranged and fact free.
Do I want to pay to hear Chomsky, Wolff, and Cornel West being interviewed by fairly shallow non-academics for the nth time? Not really.
Why pay to see Vaush here then? Well he is, like all these leftists media figures, important for how he impacts regular people and helps nudge the overton wind, not because he is some leading intellectual academically speaking. Vaush is a fantastic new voice in this sense, that also sharpens this leftist media space in his own ways.
And the meeting of Vaush and Krystal and Kyle is about a kind of symbolic healing of a sad rift in the left, post Bernie/Biden elections and especially FTV. This interview is symbolically very interesting for such reasons.
I am not personally interested in who Krystal and Kyle interviews next. But I would like to see Vaush talk to Chomsky about their shared opinion that FTV is deeply idiotic.
Also, putting Chomsky, Wolff, and Cornell West in the same sentence like that with Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi means you are not a very serious person.
Well I did not put them in 'same sentence', Krystal and Kyle did, as these were some of the most known people they had on the show. So credit them for that..
As for you not being interested to see ANYONE but Vaush.
Yeah, that doesn't sound as close-minded sycophantic cultism at all..
All of us have our own reasons for winding up here. I'll watch Vaush now and then. I found him and a few other youtubers while I was wasting my time enjoying retirement.
Back in the day I leaned pretty heavily conservatively. Probably because I was active duty and that's a pretty right leaning community. It wasn't until a few years before I retired not long after the 2016 election when I started to slowly wake up. I started watching other news channels. More local and national. Less cable. I used to LOVE going down YouTube's algorithm rabbit hole of "I wonder what kind of crazy alien, flat-earth, conspiracy stuff" next.
I don't know how it happened but somehow I got directed to Tim Pool's channel and it snapped me the hell out of it. One of the easiest things I've done was click the little "never recommend this channel" button for him. I ran into a couple other right wingy channels that I had to dig myself out of.
It was channels like Vaush's that helped pull me out of it. There was a pretty cool guy that dressed up like a corn cob. Serfs and pals, Pakman, Kyle here too. They ALL helped get me to a MUCH better place.
I NEVER listened to Chomsky up until a couple months ago. I didn't know who Wolff was until he hung out with Serfs and Destiny. Honestly, a few years ago I couldn't have cared less. Now I'm a sponge again and eager to listen, learn, and help out as much as I can. I can only hope it's not too late.
I can't talk for most any of these people, but if they're anything like me and are here because they genuinely want to learn why should it matter what brought them here?
If you've got ANYONE that I need to go listen to or read about please let me know! I've got plenty of time on my hands and I'll be darned if I let video games take up all that time! :D
I personally would want to see interview with Michael Parenti more than anything.
He's very old and has not given interview in years.
As for who to watch, if we stay on topic of worker co-ops there is really only Richard Wolff, though he has multiple shows on his channel, and one of them is specifically about worker co-ops. I don't know if there is anything else in English. But if you want to dive deeper in that subjects you should look for books by Branko Horvat.
On libertarian socialism:
Beside Chomsky, Cornel and Parenti, there was David Graeber, who unfortunately died last year, same as Michael Brooks. Graeber came with the slogan 'We are the 99%'. I also think Chris Hedges is very much a libertarian socialist.
In Europe, there is DiEM25: Yanis Varoufakis & Srecko Horvat, they bring lot of international guests. And then, of course, there is Slavoj Zizek, who calls himself whatever.. and says lot of other crazy stuff, but I would put him in same category.
I ran into Mr Cody when Jim from The Office started his Some Good News show. YouTube algorithmed my right into his episode about Jim spoofing his spoof news show. I used to be a sarcastic asshole, so I immediately connected to Cody as if we were each other's spirit animal or something.
Noam's a good time where we all agree for a very long and drawnout way that doesn't necessarily bring something new to the table. Richard Wolff's brilliant, if, opinionated yet only powerful if the debate is very heavily economics based, and, that's only part of it in the modern culture war. Cornel West's a powerhouse, not above the fray so much as enlightened to the important things, yet, again, well known older commentator who's known less for sticking it to the new aged cultural issues than for brining home the message for the longstanding, cross-spectrum American. Greenwald, quite compelling based legal know-how, broke stories, etc, ect.
Vaush is a contemporary social studies autist who's spent more hours than the rest of the cast combined dealing particularly in the heavily modern streamed debate format. He's forged something that could be considered a reality talk show who's entire contingent is on discourse of ideas, often times with people well beyond the pale. It's allot of contrast and it's a modern group phenomenon that's very worth attending to. Guy's been at it, what, 3 years? Give him 20 to 30 more and there's qute the likelihood that he has more comparable clout to your tastes.
Personally I'd like Cody of Some More News, but, then again, like many people who'd have tuned in while we got to this episode, I like fresh faces, dramatists, artists, and performers who are still building their recognition, who's clout comes from their attempted application in the face of powerlessness, not just established, longstanding positions where they've formerly affected things somewhat.
So far they had: Noam Chomsky, Richard Wolff, Cornel West, Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi,etc.
But you guys subscribed for Vaush?
Whom you watch two hours a day on average?
Without getting into 'cult of personality' topic again:
If you truly believe in market socialism, wouldn't you have subscribe when Richard Wolff was a guest? Or Chomsky?
Or here is even a better question, since all of you are subscribed now:
Who do you want to see next? I'm VERY curious?
That’s quite confused. The fact that Vaush is not an academic or an established intellectual, like Chomsky, Wolff, and Cornel West, does not in any way address the fact that the hatred against Vaush is deranged and fact free.
Do I want to pay to hear Chomsky, Wolff, and Cornel West being interviewed by fairly shallow non-academics for the nth time? Not really.
Why pay to see Vaush here then? Well he is, like all these leftists media figures, important for how he impacts regular people and helps nudge the overton wind, not because he is some leading intellectual academically speaking. Vaush is a fantastic new voice in this sense, that also sharpens this leftist media space in his own ways.
And the meeting of Vaush and Krystal and Kyle is about a kind of symbolic healing of a sad rift in the left, post Bernie/Biden elections and especially FTV. This interview is symbolically very interesting for such reasons.
I am not personally interested in who Krystal and Kyle interviews next. But I would like to see Vaush talk to Chomsky about their shared opinion that FTV is deeply idiotic.
Also, putting Chomsky, Wolff, and Cornell West in the same sentence like that with Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi means you are not a very serious person.
Well I did not put them in 'same sentence', Krystal and Kyle did, as these were some of the most known people they had on the show. So credit them for that..
As for you not being interested to see ANYONE but Vaush.
Yeah, that doesn't sound as close-minded sycophantic cultism at all..
It's a bit difficult for you to grasp the points I make, isn't it? That's why you're not addressing any of them, right? That's ok. Love all around.
All of us have our own reasons for winding up here. I'll watch Vaush now and then. I found him and a few other youtubers while I was wasting my time enjoying retirement.
Back in the day I leaned pretty heavily conservatively. Probably because I was active duty and that's a pretty right leaning community. It wasn't until a few years before I retired not long after the 2016 election when I started to slowly wake up. I started watching other news channels. More local and national. Less cable. I used to LOVE going down YouTube's algorithm rabbit hole of "I wonder what kind of crazy alien, flat-earth, conspiracy stuff" next.
I don't know how it happened but somehow I got directed to Tim Pool's channel and it snapped me the hell out of it. One of the easiest things I've done was click the little "never recommend this channel" button for him. I ran into a couple other right wingy channels that I had to dig myself out of.
It was channels like Vaush's that helped pull me out of it. There was a pretty cool guy that dressed up like a corn cob. Serfs and pals, Pakman, Kyle here too. They ALL helped get me to a MUCH better place.
I NEVER listened to Chomsky up until a couple months ago. I didn't know who Wolff was until he hung out with Serfs and Destiny. Honestly, a few years ago I couldn't have cared less. Now I'm a sponge again and eager to listen, learn, and help out as much as I can. I can only hope it's not too late.
I can't talk for most any of these people, but if they're anything like me and are here because they genuinely want to learn why should it matter what brought them here?
If you've got ANYONE that I need to go listen to or read about please let me know! I've got plenty of time on my hands and I'll be darned if I let video games take up all that time! :D
I personally would want to see interview with Michael Parenti more than anything.
He's very old and has not given interview in years.
As for who to watch, if we stay on topic of worker co-ops there is really only Richard Wolff, though he has multiple shows on his channel, and one of them is specifically about worker co-ops. I don't know if there is anything else in English. But if you want to dive deeper in that subjects you should look for books by Branko Horvat.
On libertarian socialism:
Beside Chomsky, Cornel and Parenti, there was David Graeber, who unfortunately died last year, same as Michael Brooks. Graeber came with the slogan 'We are the 99%'. I also think Chris Hedges is very much a libertarian socialist.
In Europe, there is DiEM25: Yanis Varoufakis & Srecko Horvat, they bring lot of international guests. And then, of course, there is Slavoj Zizek, who calls himself whatever.. and says lot of other crazy stuff, but I would put him in same category.
Thanks for all the info. I added these to my reading list.
Cody, of Some More News: It's like Last Week Tonight, for people who had to vomit in their mouth to vote for Bhihiiiiden.
I ran into Mr Cody when Jim from The Office started his Some Good News show. YouTube algorithmed my right into his episode about Jim spoofing his spoof news show. I used to be a sarcastic asshole, so I immediately connected to Cody as if we were each other's spirit animal or something.
Shoeonhead, and I'm just starting to listen to Denims,
Noam's a good time where we all agree for a very long and drawnout way that doesn't necessarily bring something new to the table. Richard Wolff's brilliant, if, opinionated yet only powerful if the debate is very heavily economics based, and, that's only part of it in the modern culture war. Cornel West's a powerhouse, not above the fray so much as enlightened to the important things, yet, again, well known older commentator who's known less for sticking it to the new aged cultural issues than for brining home the message for the longstanding, cross-spectrum American. Greenwald, quite compelling based legal know-how, broke stories, etc, ect.
Vaush is a contemporary social studies autist who's spent more hours than the rest of the cast combined dealing particularly in the heavily modern streamed debate format. He's forged something that could be considered a reality talk show who's entire contingent is on discourse of ideas, often times with people well beyond the pale. It's allot of contrast and it's a modern group phenomenon that's very worth attending to. Guy's been at it, what, 3 years? Give him 20 to 30 more and there's qute the likelihood that he has more comparable clout to your tastes.
Personally I'd like Cody of Some More News, but, then again, like many people who'd have tuned in while we got to this episode, I like fresh faces, dramatists, artists, and performers who are still building their recognition, who's clout comes from their attempted application in the face of powerlessness, not just established, longstanding positions where they've formerly affected things somewhat.